Friday, January 30, 2009

Module 4 - Boolean searching task

First i began reading up on Boolean Searching on the Internet

I remember doing something similar when i did information technology for the HSC, wow that was a long time to ago! These tutorials and search techniques i find really helpful, i really do struggle when searching the web, especially for technical accounting rulings for work, i can never seem to find what i'm looking for, but i am getting better and really starting to understand how to get my answers quickly & smartly.

So the key words i previously used were with an additional word function "Sydney Wedding Venues Function"
I think to get the best results with accurate findings i should use AND, therefore
"+sydney +wedding +venues + functions" Lets see... I actually got 113,000 hits for this one, the information is relevant and gives me exactly what i am after.

Lets try OR instead and see if this is better... "Sydney wedding functions OR Venues". This actually came up with better results giving 143,000 hits. So using OR has proven to give the biggest number of hits.

Overall the both search options used have given relevant information so that isn't a concern for either techniques.

Lets give it one more go, lets try NOT "Sydney Wedding Venues NOT Melbourne"
It has given us 510,000 hits BUT, yep wait there is a but, when looking at the search results the URLS provided don't really give me the answers i am looking for, don't get me wrong there are still relavant sites here but its a time waster to have to trail through each one to find what i am looing for. Also there are no unversity sources

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